Flourishing Foodscapes

Design for City-Region Food Systems
Saline Verhoeven & Johannes S.C. Wiskerke


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ISBN: 9789492095381
2017, 1ste druk - paperback (23 x 17 cm), 296p. - design: Hans Gremmen
  • Accessible book that deals with the global issue of food(scarcity). Technical problems are explained by experts in a way that is comprehensible to the general public
  • Transcends the field of bottom-up initiatives and private projects: If we really want to change something, we have to tackle problems on a larger scale
  • Available on 27 September 2018

The term ‘foodscapes’—a combination of food and landscape—refers to the social and spatial organization of networks and systems of food provisioning. In other words, the physical places and social practices of food production, food processing, distribution, sales, preparation, and consumption. Creating future-proof food systems is about addressing their social, economic, and ecological vulnerabilities and sustainabilities. It also relates to how the spatial qualities of the rural and urban landscapes and their use need to adapt and change. Food not only has to do with nutrition but influences a multitude of domains; from health to (eating) culture and from employment to climate change. It has a major impact on the city (especially on consumption and distribution, and, to a lesser extent, on production) and on rural areas (mainly production), but also on the relations between city and countryside, close by as well as far apart.
Thinking about food-related problems and challenges is becoming increasingly important. These issues influence our planet and way of life, but also our everyday existence. Flourishing Foodscapes transcends the field of bottom-up initiatives and private projects. If we really want to design more sustainable food systems, we will have to think more structurally about changing food provisioning at various levels of scale. Flourishing Foodscapes links research, case studies, and spatial design and takes a step towards a more comprehensive approach to food issues, building on inspiring practices, projects, and designs from all over the world.

Contributors: Jacques Abelman, Laura Bracalenti, Claire Callander, Joy Carey, Chloé Charreton, Maxim Cloarec, Nevin Cohen, Lola Dominguez Garcia, Marielle Dubbeling, Anna Maria Fink, Antoine Fourrier, Pepijn Godefroy, Paul de Graaf, Floris Grondman, Karen de Groot, David Habets, Daniel Keech, Niké van Keulen, Kim Kool, Tim Kort, Jerryt Krombeen, Madeleine Maaskant, Minke Mulder, Ruut van Paridon, Matthew Reed, Cecilia Rocha, Lara Sibbing, Paul Swagemakers, Marieke Timmermans, Louise E.M. Vet, Mark van Vilsteren, Marc C.A. Wegerif

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