Grensganger tussen disciplines

Over Jacques Rancière
Solange de Boer


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ISBN: 9789078088158
2007, 1ste druk - paperback, 126p. - design: Nienke Terpsma, Janna Meeus
  • Essays on the work of Jacques Rancière and includes an interview with him
  • Click here for the set of the two books on Jacques Rancière
  • NB: This publication is only available in Dutch

Jacques Rancière’s oeuvre covers a wide range of subjects; from politics, history and emancipation to film, art and literature. With each new project, he intends to go beyond the limits of these disciplines, and connect them in unexpected ways. This publication with essays from writers such as Marie-Aude Baronian, Pablo Lafuente, Sven Lütticken and Mireille Rosello gives insight into Rancière’s influential thinking and reveals the main topics in his work.

Contributors: Marie-Aude Baronian, Pablo Lafuente, Sven Lütticken, Mireille Rosello

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