Pluriversal worlds in a grain of sand

Jeanne Boden & Rik Pinxten


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ISBN: 9789462674202
2022 - paperback, 228p.

Pluriversal Worlds in a Grain of Sand (Jeanne Boden, Rik Pinxten, eds.) presents artists and contributors in the exhibitions Nizhoni. Walking in Beauty (Pilar, Brussels) and Pluriversal Worlds in a Grain of Sand (Zebra, Ghent). The book with color photographs offers a collage of art, poetry, literary and academic texts.

World in a Grain of Sand refers to interconnectedness of all things: humans, animals, trees and plants, nature, oceans, skies, earth, time, space, contemporaneity, and tradition, and present, past, and future.

Pluriversal refers to pluriversality: the coexistence of different knowledge systems, instead of universality. When different knowledge systems meet and interact all will be enriched.

This book is a prime example of sustainable respectful collaboration between engaged people from around the world.

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